Dollars (FO)

Three actresses and a film crew are on a mission in the Faroe Islands: they have 14 days to transform the Faroe Islands and the lives of 21 Faroese people into a soap opera. They must create 7 episodes of the tv series Dollars – 7 different locations in the country.

Twenty-five years ago, Dollars hit the world’s – and the Faroe Islands’ – television screens. Shoulder pads, crepe irons, pastel colors and blood-red nails became high fashion, catfights and intrigues the highlight of the week. Klaksvig is a long, long way from Colorado, yet fix&foxy set out to recreate the famous TV show, Dynasty, on the Faroe Islands in Dollars (FO). It became a search for the great passion and drama in the small, island community.

Could we find star quality in even the smallest settlement? Would it be possible to cast, style, film, cut and before the end of the day welcome the premiere of an episode of a soap? Could it possibly go wrong if we all contain a good story?

Dollars (FO) was a show about drama and passion in everyday life, about feeling like a star and about seeing your life through the vaseline lens of soap. The seven episodes that Dollars (FO) produced are the result of a magnificent effort by the Faroese civil society. For a while, all distinctions between religious, political, and social groupings were abolished in favor of fictitious battles across … religious, political and social divisions!

With Dollars as a humorous and recognizable approach, the Faroese community participated for 14 days in an open-hearted and merciless description of the divisions, repressions, intrigues – and unity of the modern Faroe Islands.

Dollars (FO) was created in 2009 at the Faroe Islands, and supported by Kulturkontakt Nord, Dansk-Færøsk Kulturfond, Tórshavnar Kommuna and Nordens Hus.

Cast Beinta K. Clothier, Gry Guldager-Jensen, Marita Dalsgaard and 21 fantastic people from the Faroe Islands
Directors/concept Tue Biering & Jeppe Kristensen
Set designer/costumes Siri Vilbøl
Editing Dorrit Andersen
Producer Eir í Ólavsstovu in collaboration with Klippfisk and TVAZZ

Thank you Drós í Ólavsstovu, Atlantic Airways, Sjónband, P/F Wenzel, Føroya Tele, Sune Bjørnvig, Føroya Fiskavirkning, Thomas Dam Ítrott, Sjónleikarhúsid, Hotel Føroyar


Descriptions, statements and tales from the process will be uploaded continuously.
In the meantime, you can take a look at our collection of behind-the-scenes photos, excerpts, graphics etc.