Apocalypse NYC

A Danish artist embarks on a quest to find Sune Wagner in the American jungle; New York City. Wagner chose to face the unknown and live the American dream. Our man has been sent to retrieve Wagner back to Danish civilisation. This journey through Harlem, Fifth Avenue and China Town is a rendezvous with American culture and a search into how the city took hold of this Dane’s heart.

At the same time, it is a journey into a European soul that still is very much alive and breathing in NYC, and a reunion with ghosts from the past. In the quest for Sune Wagner, our man meets other artists. The American on the streets of New York, and the Dane who has settled down in NY. Through these encounters, the film debates cultural heritage, belongingness, and the myths and pre-assumptions we have about each other.

Apocalypse NYC is supported by the Danish Arts Council and DIVA-program.

The movie is made in 2008.

Cast (in order of appearance) Christian Tafdrup, James Arden, Christoffer Poli, Mikkel Kastberg, Eiko Hojo, Jacob Cedergren, Silja Ericsen Jensen, Vincent Shelley, James Washington, & Sune Wagner.
Idea and Concept Tue Biering & Jeppe Kristensen
Director Tue Biering
Script Kasper Hoff
Producer Stine Chrone Moisen
Director of photography Lukas Pruchnik
Editor Kenneth Olsen
Post sound Kenneth Olsen
Set director Nicolaj Spangå
AC/Boom James Washington & Steven Mondesir
Dub-Voices Morten Christensen & Adam Brix

Thanks to Enok Holsegård, Tine Louise Hunderup, Julie Thalund, Jonas Bjerre, Mie Olise


Descriptions, statements and tales from the process will be uploaded continuously.
In the meantime, you can take a look at our collection of behind-the-scenes photos, excerpts, graphics etc.