Welcome to Twin Peaks

Eight cars in a remote area of civilization

Winner of the ARTBEAT award 2017.

Local citizens drive the audience in eight cars around Odsherred to meet other locals. Each tell their personal story. This performance is landscape theatre and a vibrant portrait of a region and it’s citizens. Based on the cult TV series, Twin Peaks.

In this radically different theatre version of David Lynch’s ground breaking TV-series from 1990, no crime has been committed, but you can join the backseat of the legal psychiatrist, the high school teacher or the former police investigator, while they drive you to visit the Greak, the Hound Dogs, the girl with the horses, those with the Chinese shop and many others. All of the cast members have a special relationship with Twin Peaks and the characters of the show. Welcome to Twin Peaks is a visual piece of countryside theater, a thronging portrait of a group of citizens in Odsherred. But firstly, it is a humorous and humane investigation of our ideas and prejudices about the strangers – the people we don’t know.

Welcome to Twin Peaks was performed 2 – 12 March and 28 July – 13 August 2016 in Odsherred.

Welcome to Twin Peaks is anything but social-realism. It’s magical realism. Fix & Foxy transforms with simple
means the banal into magic
Simultaneously mystified, greatly affected and humbled by the participants’ openness and confidence.

Cast Susanne Selle, Dennis Nielsen, Dorthe Schønning Jensen, Helle Høst, Jane Lykke, Jette Lindquist, Jette Sloth Nielsen, Lene Buchwald Mogens,  Marie Misser, Ronny Andersen, Allan Køhler-Andersen, Rosemary Willows, Sebastian Selle, Tonny og Lene Larsen, Louise Porre,Bjørn Kaldan, Vagn Oulund, Mikkel Olsen, Susanne Bennedsen, Jane Sørensen, Erik Rasmussen, Martin Hall og Liv Bertelsen
Concept and director Tue Biering and Jeppe Kristensen
Co-director Mei Oulund, Henrik Ipsen and Marie Rosendahl Chemnitz
Set designer Marie Rosendahl Chemnitz
Casting Henrik Ipsen
Sound designer Rasmus Juncker
Directing- and sound assistant Rebekka Meyer
Production manager Dennis Veilgaard
Technician Morten Birch Nielsen
Set designer assistant Elke Laleman
Project coordinator Joan U.
Graphic designer and photo Søren Meisner
Artistic Director Odsherred Theater Simon Vagn Jensen
Administrator Flemming Hansen
PR and communication Joan Stræde
Text crew and cast
Produced by Odsherred Theatre

Thanks to Claus Christensen, CC Autoservice, Vig Forsamlingshus, Kongsøre Kro, Kongsøre Camping, Madsens Food House, Henning Andersen Skilte.


Descriptions, statements and tales from the process will be uploaded continuously.
In the meantime, you can take a look at our collection of behind-the-scenes photos, excerpts, graphics etc.