

A podwalk for two anywhere you choose – inspired by Tarkovsky’s cult sci-fi

CPH Stage: 22 – 31 May 2025 (in English)

What is your deepest and innermost desire?
Do you even know what you desire?

Embark on a journey into the ZONE – a forbidden area, a deadly, mysterious place. At the centre is the SPACE – a place, where all your dreams come true. But only the truly lost can get through the ZONE and only one person can lead you to the ROOM, is the STALKER. STALKER is a voice in your ear.

STALKER is a podwalk for two by fix+foxy and Third Ear inspired by Tarkovsky’s cult sci-fi. It will take you on a journey into the deepest levels of your consciousness. Find a friend, bring your phone, put on headphones and follow the instructions. Perhaps your greatest desire will be fulfilled.

STALKER is produced by fix+foxy and supported by the Danish Arts Foundation for Performing Arts, Bikubenfonden og Københavns Scenekunstudvalg.

The podwalk was first released 2 – 30 June 2021 and again 1 May – 30 June 2022.

Previous tours:
CPH Stage: 30 May – 8 June 2024 (in English)

Idea Tue Biering og Tim Hinman
Text and directing Tue Biering, Krister Moltzen and Tim Hinman
Sound Design Tim Hinman
The Voice Imre Mark Petkov
Production Manager Frederik Neilbo
Production Coordinator Camilla Gürtler
Producer Karoline Michelsen


Descriptions, statements and tales from the process will be uploaded continuously.
In the meantime, you can take a look at our collection of behind-the-scenes photos, excerpts, graphics etc.