
Come come take the journey into the opera called Parsifal

Come take the journey into the unknown dangerous foreign
Past the fore posts of your culture
Come be part of the opera crusade
Don’t be afraid you’ve got Wagner and good taste on your side
Knight of Good Taste!

Hereby Wagner’s last great opus, a testament of the golden age of western culture, a desperate denial of cultural decline and a cartoonish super-hero epic with music added, performed where the bourgeoisie, the cultural elite, those in power and thes well off never venture: a white spot on the map, a parallel society, a wound in the side og your world.

Parsifal is a travelling opera. A performance that brings opera audiences from Copenhagen Central Station to the suburb of Brøndby Strand. Parsifal is a meeting between two clashing ghettos: the secluded, mocked social housing area and the lofty, elitist opera

In the surroundings and guts of this iconic concrete project Parsifal staged a meeting between two different enclosures: the remote, ridiculed social housing project and the elitist opera audience. With this performance we humbly tried to fix the gaps in our society; and we tried to face our infected cultural heritage.

Parsifal was performed 2 – 16 April 2011 from Copenhagen Central Station, track 11 & 12.

“I definitely think it deserves to be seen” Information

The experience confirms that good theater does not have to take place on stage.”

Cast Daniel Norback, Per Jellum, Carl Christian Rasmussen, Laila Rong Hanna, Joachim Knop
Director Tue Biering & Jeppe Kristensen
Set Designer Sille Dons Heltoft
Score Maja Romm
Head of choir Rose Munk
Sound technician Jonas Jørgensen
Light designer Malte Haugaard
Costumier Camilla Lind
Tailor Mai Steenberg
Producer Sara Nissen
Production manager and stage manager Anders Sylvest
Stage manager Pernille Kabell
Carpenter Johan Brandt Richardt
Props Coordinator Anna-Sophia Noerbel
Graphic designer Søren Meisner
Director’s Assistant Ane Bank Olesen
Choir The choir from Brøndby Strand, Sange fra Broens Nørrebro Kor, Verdens Sirener, Urban Koret, Verdenskoret i Holbæk, Unoderne and After 7


Descriptions, statements and tales from the process will be uploaded continuously.
In the meantime, you can take a look at our collection of behind-the-scenes photos, excerpts, graphics etc.