Imperial Troopers

Imperial Troopers


Our world is founded on empires. Empires emerge, grow, collapse and get taken over by new empires. There are many empires and their troops are everywhere. They can be hard to spot. They sneak up, very close, without you noticing. Maybe they’re
already here…

In an apartment that is so IKEA that it could just as well be in Stockholm as in Shanghai, three Chinese actors sit and discuss the world situation, sci-fi films and narratives about empires that are in the process of taking over the globe. But who exactly is the invasive species? Are we already ruled by encroaching economic empires that, through burgers, coffee, furniture, or technology, take over our lives and thoughts? Empires that know that it is all about dominating. Because only the strongest survives.

IMPERIAL TROOPERS is inspired by the American sci-fi film Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Originally it was an American propaganda film that, with Hollywood’s popular and effective horror, was supposed to warn against communism’s destruction of Western values.

With a team of three Chinese actors, fix+foxy sets out to uncover the empires of the time and their troops.

Trilogy about empires
IMPERIAL TROOPERS is the second part in fix+foxy’s trilogy about empires. The first part, the dramatic western DARK NOON, premiered in 2019. The performance was played by seven South African actors who, from their perspective, told the migration story of the Europeans, where thousands of hungry and poor people fled to America to colonize “The Promised Land”. DARK NOON received a Reumert in 2019, while Johan Johan Kølkjær was nominated for a Reumert for his pioneering scenography. Johan Kølkjær has also made the scenography for IMPERIAL TROOPERS. This time in a sci-fi setting.

IMPERIAL TROOPERS is produced in collaboration with Blaagaard Teater and is supported by Bikubenfonden, the Danish Arts Foundation for Performing Arts, Nordic Culture Fund, S.C. Van Fonden, Wilhelm Hansen Fonden, Knud Højgaards Fond and Beckettfonden.

The show was first performed 1-21 June 2023 at Blaagaard Teater in Copenhagen.

“Imperial Troopers play with the imagination and the hiddenness and elegantly entertain in a quiet and slightly creepy way.”
Frederiksborg Amts Avis

“Imperial Troopers are victorious.”, “entertaining and thought-provoking at the same time.
POV International

“The seed is starting to sprout and won’t leave us alone.”
Michael Svennevig

“When the smile lurks on our lips, we are constantly moved to another place. Fix & Foxy and Blaagaard Teater call for both reflection and frightened screams with the disturbing Imperial Troopers, which form the second part of the company’s Empire Trilogy”, “..irritates like a small stone in the shoe”.

Cph Culture

“Imperial Troopers has become a funny show. Very funny, in fact. Tue Biering’s three hand-picked Chinese actors ooze charm”

Cast Zenghao Yang, Yik-Sau Chung, Robin Khor Yong Kuan
Director Tue Biering
Set Designer Johan Kølkjær
Sound design Daniel Fogh
Lighting design Balder Nørskov
Dramaturg Cille Melgaard
Assisting director Katinka Hurvig Møller
Costumes Clara Bisgaard
Props Mille Carla Lorentzen Kristensen
Interns Léa Falconnet, Aurélie Alessandroni
Set designer’s assistant Mai Katsume
Stage manager Svante Huniche Corell
Communications manager Anne Bennike
Consultant Fabrizio Massini
Research  Nannan Chen
Production manager Anne Balsma
Producer Annette Max Hansen
Photo Catrine Zorn and Søren Meisner


Descriptions, statements and tales from the process will be uploaded continuously.
In the meantime, you can take a look at our collection of behind-the-scenes photos, excerpts, graphics etc.