Triumph of the Will

Art and politics are separate entities and what I did was in the world of art.” – Leni Riefenstahl

One of film history’s greatest and most problematic masterpieces is re-recorded in a factor in
Copenhagen. The audience is staged as the German people in this remake of the Nazi propaganda film, Triumph of the Will.

As a gifted, avantgarde woman, Riefenstahl happened to ruin art’s relationship with beauty. With her poetically filmed and brilliantly edited movie, she turned art’s relationship with optimism and community rotten.

Triumph of the Will is a masterpiece about freedom, community and optimism. It’s a piece of art, that through its beauty and sublime aesthetics, manages to bring its audience a feeling of hope and will to change the world. The movie, its participants and its audience, changes the world with a power and effect no piece of art has had before or after.

Can art bring political messages and still in the name of art free itself from responsibilities of its own effect?

The show was supported by Københavns Kommunes Scenekunstudvalg.

The show was performed 1 – 20 November 2012 in an old factory building in Copenhagen.

Remake of Nazi film in DSB building is ingenious conceptual theater.Politiken

Cast: Anders Mossling m.fl.
Concept and Directors: Tue Biering og Jeppe Kristensen
Set Designer: Sille Dons Heltoft
Video designer: Jonas Jongejan
Camera operators: Johan Bichel Lindegaard og  Jonas Thorbjørn Rishøj
Light designer: Raphael Solholm og Kristine Hamann Rasmussen
Sound designer: Jes Brander Theede
Stage manager:  Pernille Kabell
Press and Communications officer: Janne Schnipper
Press Photographer, graphics and video: Søren Meisner
Producer and Production manager: Søren Normann Hansen
Director’s Assistant: Johan Sarauw & Franziska Koller
Set Designer’s Assistant: Joy Sun-Ra Pawl Hoyle


Descriptions, statements and tales from the process will be uploaded continuously.
In the meantime, you can take a look at our collection of behind-the-scenes photos, excerpts, graphics etc.