The Best Show in the World

In collaboration with Glad Teater fix+foxy embarked on the task to make the world’s best show. The performance interweaves tableaus, music, strange stories and stunts. It becomes a mirror of our lives and the attempt to fit it all in correctly, before it is too late.

The performance was developed together with the 15 actors who were on stage. The mission? Not to make a departure performance, not to make a handicap performance, but a one of a kind performance, the world’s best, for that matter.

The show was a co-production with Glad Teater. Glad Teater is a theatre school for actors with disabilities.

The Best Show in the World was performed 18 – 25 June 2011 at Edison at Betty Nansen Teatret in Copenhagen.


“Glad Teater has staged an uninhibited and funny play that takes the audience around in fragments of a life that could be yours or mine.”

It is far more than well-meaning disability theater, when the crooked types settle on the scene with everything from spaz-kung fu to blind singing.

Cast Amalie Kliim-Due, Anna Ersbøll Berg Poulsen, Anna Sophie Lübeck, Berit Aagaard Sørensen, Bo Hårdell, Carole Cuisine, Gertrud Magnusson, Kristine Olsen, Mai Vorreiter Jepsen, Ragna Huse, Rune von Würden, Sanjin Fischer, Sara Johansen, Siri Friis Vikeså, Troels Holstein Madsen
Directing Tue Biering
Manuscript Jeppe Kristensen, Tue Biering and Marie Rosendahl Chemnitz in collaboration with the actors
Scenography and costumes  Marie Rosendahl Chemnitz
Assistent directing and manuscript Trine Lavgesen
Assistent scenography and costumes Franciska Johansen
Sound design Thomas Matyjasik
Stage management Mai Ji
Production management Loa Haslund Larsen



Descriptions, statements and tales from the process will be uploaded continuously.
In the meantime, you can take a look at our collection of behind-the-scenes photos, excerpts, graphics etc.