Lampedusa Cruises

Get on board on the World’s most northern refugee boat, alongside its crew of refugees

Join the Lampedusa Cruises Association on a lovely trip in the waters of Copenhagen with food, music and swimming.

The Alhadj Djumaa is the world’s northernmost refugee boat, sailing around canals of Copenhagen with a refugee crew. Onboard food, music and bathing gets spiced up with stories of crossing the Mediterranean in overcrowded boats in the hope of
creating a better life.

It is a well functioning little motorboat and a symbol of global diversities. Join us on a sailing trip for all of those who want a little taste of the good life.

The association Lampedusa Cruises is founded by fix+foxy. The show was produced in collaboration with Trampolinhuset and Eventministeriet. The project was supported by The Danish Arts Council.

Lampedusa Cruises was performed 19 August – 2 September 2016 at the Harbour promenade at Knippelsbro in Copenhagen.

Concept and idea Teun Castelein, Tue Biering and Jeppe Kristensen
Production Southintonorth
Coordinator Johan Lilholt
Assistant Kristoffer Lundberg
Production assistents Helle Bøgeskov, Franziska Koller
Graphic designer Nicolaj Spangaa
Carpenter Jacob Tomra
Sponsor Mads Nørgaard



Descriptions, statements and tales from the process will be uploaded continuously.
In the meantime, you can take a look at our collection of behind-the-scenes photos, excerpts, graphics etc.