Vi de 1%


De bor i ghettoer. De er ofte kun sammen med dem, de deler kultur og værdier med. De placerer deres børn i særlige skoler, og de ønsker ikke at bidrage til fællesskabet.

De er de rige. De privilegerede 1%. Og nu kommer de på scenen. Ind i vores forestilling om, hvordan det er at være ekstremt velhavende og leve distanceret og isoleret fra det omkringliggende samfund.

Hver aften går en ny millionær på scenen for at blive konfronteret med de spørgsmål og fordomme, som vi, de resterende 99 procent, har om dem. Men så banker den rigtige underklasse på…

VI DE 1% er produceret i samarbejde med Revolver, Østerbro Teater, og er støttet af Statens Kunstfond, Beckett-Fonden, Knud Højgaards Fond, Østerbro Lokaludvalg, Dansk Skuespillerforbund og Axel Muusfeldts Fond.

Forestillingen spillede første gang 25.08.2021 – 18.09.2021 på Revolver, Østerbro Teater i København.

Teater Nordkraft, 24.04.2023 – 27.04.2023
Musikhuset Aarhus, 12.06.2023

“Det er vild teatermagi, at vi det ene øjeblik betragter den rige Jesper som et eksotisk dyr i en zoologisk have, men det næste fuldt solidarisk kan mærke hans ubehag” POV.International

“Fix & Foxy og ‘Vi de 1%’ er modigt teater, modigt iscenesat, fordi det kan gå galt, det er modigt af de medvirkende at medvirke, og det taler sit eget påtrængende og formsprængende scenesprog. Også i det nye årti er det noget af det bedste, dansk teater kan byde på.” Politiken

“Denne forestilling har to omdrejningsnøgler:  En udvalgt rigmand  (ny hver aften) og så skuespilleren Maria Rich, som er eminent i sin uskyldige tilsyneladende improvisation.” Kulturkupeen

“Tue Biering har skabt en virkelighedsnær borgerforestilling, der både provokerer og kvalificerer samtalen om skellet imellem rig og fattig.”

“…noget af det mest moralske og samfundsdebatterende teater, jeg har set gennem mange år.” Børsen

Medvirkende Overklassen, hjemløse, kontanthjælpsmodtagere, gældsatte og dem der går i teatret for at kigge på de andre…
Skuespiller Maria Rich
Instruktion Tue Biering
Scenografi og kostumer Karin Gille og Marie Rosendahl Chemnitz
Lysdesign Karl Sørensen
 Janus Jensen
Dramaturg Aljoscha Begrich
Konsulent Sascha Kempinski
Caster Naomi Aisen Sattrup
Caster (Teater Nordkraft, 2023): Helle Maj Clement Lund, Karin Seisbøll
Forestillingsleder (Teater Nordkraft, 2023) Birgitte Nielsen
Produktionsleder (Teater Nordkraft, 2023) Anne Balsma
Teknik (Teater Nordkraft, 2023) Jens Jensen´ ImagoLux
Med-instruktør og in-ear afvikling (Teater Nordkraft, 2023) Katinka Hurvig Møller
Medvirkende ansvarlig (Teater Nordkraft, 2023): Helle Maj Clement Lund
Forestillingsleder Signe Lausen og Rose Marie Jul Lerstrup
Rekvisitør Therese A. Jensen
Producent Karoline Michelsen
Produktionsleder Jesper Sønderstrup
Instruktørassistent Mathias Sauer
Scenemester Rasmus Rahbek
Belysningsmester Peter Lorichs
Tonemester Anders Munch Amdisen
Skræddersalsleder Christina Seistrup
Chefdramaturg og kurator Rikke Hedeager
Forestillingsfoto Søren Meisner


Uddrag fra Tue Bierings beretning “Hostages of me“:

The Ultimate Encounter

Over the years, we have worked on all our blind spots. We have invited everyone on stage.

We have worked with the vulnerable, those who rarely get a voice, those who are overlooked, and also those with whom we disagree.

However, there are some who someone like me always sees as the bad guys, the ones who are to blame for the way things are. Those who have created imbalances in the systems. We have created many representations of them, but never met one of them ourselves or given them a place on stage. They are very exotic, and also keep to themselves or with others who look like them. They are the very richest in society.

We wanted to do a show about how exposed a position it is to be rich. We would invite the rich in and announce our many images about them. Every night a very rich person would come on stage. Some own thirty million kroners, others more than a billion. What they all have in common is that they don’t want to appear in public in the media, but they want to step onto a stage and meet an audience at eye level and talk about their experience of being particularly privileged and distanced from the rest of society.

In WE THE 1% (2021), an actor engaged in a choreographed dialogue with the rich, trying to make them live up to our notions of rich people. An installation of the world of the rich was built around them, with designer furniture, lobster, champagne and symbols of the upper class. In the end, the rich were caught up in our imagination of them. However, it turned out that the rich are also people for whom one can feel sympathy, and so the situation was exacerbated when a homeless person entered the stage. A meeting between society’s poorest and richest is a very rare encounter, and we can see how uncomfortable the situation became for the rich. Later, more homeless people, drug addicts, criminals, indebted people arrived. They intruded the stage and eventually took over the rich men’s , removing everything before our eyes and before the eyes of the rich. Meanwhile the actor speaks the line, “people like us love to see people like you being dragged through the ringer and brought down to the level of the rest of us.”

We’ve got what we wanted and we’ve happily watched. Until a live video from Moldova flashed up on the back wall. Here, a family sat in a kitchen and now started asking the audience how we feel about being much more privileged than them, about being among the 1% richest in the world and about, how we would feel about losing our privileges.

The performance was once again not about those on stage, but about the audience, who were now put in the uncomfortable position of being the privileged ones.

På billederne kan du se:

Instruktørassistent Mathias Sauers arbejdsstation bagved scenen (2021); her sad han og guidede nogle af de medvirkende gennem et in-ear-system


Tue Biering, Marie Chemnitz og Karoline Michelsen til afslutningsfest i foyeren på REVOLVER


Billede (3-16) fra Aalborg-udgaven (2023). Forestillingen blev genopsat på Teater Nordkraft med nye medvirkende – både rige og fattige.